We have secured a location for our Vancouver Island restoration of pre-colonial old growth forest!
After several months of consultation with communities, a land donor has come forward with a request for us to create a Miyawaki style native forest on private land with a conservation easement. The total space of the property is 100 acres. The area for the first project is just under one acre.
This forest will be 100x more biodiverse, 30x denser, and grow 10x faster than conventional reforestation. The new forest will be installed on a clifftop and will include a meditation trail.
“We are excited about the possibility to partner with indigenous communities on the island to create friendship and reparations by restoring the forest that was here 150 years ago.”
The Miyawaki method can be used to grow a 100-300 year forest in 10-30 years. This method was pioneered 50 years ago by Japanese arborist Akira Miyawaki. He has planted over 40 million trees globally with this method. Afforestt is a company that has scaled this method all over the world. Although the method works extremely well in cold climates, as well as tropical and subtropical climates, and has been tested in nordic countries, there is a huge opportunity to scale the method in North America. That is what Four Trillion Trees intends to do.
Bridging Communities Through Forest Restoration
This is one of the many projects we are excited to begin to connect communities in collaboration and friendship! Treeplanting is nonpartisan, productive, and fun! Our forests grow 10x faster, they are 30x denser and 100x more biodiverse. We restore the soil from the very beginning, rather than waiting 100s of years for the forest itself to make soil through seasonal lifecycles. Since the soil stores 3x more carbon than the trees themselves, our forests start storing 3x more carbon than conventional reforestation––immediately. And since both the trees and the soil store much more carbon, nitrogen, and other compounds that would otherwise be lost from the soil as green house gasses, our forests are super-sequestration carbon sinks. Corporations buy forest installation projects from us to draw down their carbon emissions. Communities get together to install forests to improve their neighborhoods. Governments, regenerative farmers, and both silviculture and agroforestry businesses collaborate to increase land use efficiency, yield, curb topsoil loss, prevent wildfire, and increase food security.
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